Adoniram Mark Scottish Regalia

Adoniram Mark held its meeting at Wellington Park on Wednesday the 21st March 2012.

During the meeting V.W.Bro Alex Chalmers Sharp, PGJO delivered an interesting talk of Scottish Masonic Regalia.

He demonstrated the manner in which their simple cotton printed aprons could be easily adapted to cover the various degrees to be worked during their meetings.


RW Provincial Grand Master, Peter Connolly,              VW Brow Michael Clarke, PGJO, Asst Prov. GM, WM and VW Bro Alex Sharp PGJO.

He also gave the assembled brethren an in site into the way the orders in Scotland are conducted and pointed out the way they work multiple orders during the meetings.

He also pointed out that whilst fees are significantly lower in Scotland and they meet fortnightly they often do not have meals unless the occasion is a special one.

Pictured Alex with the Worshipful Master


The meeting, being the business meeting, elected VW Bro. Bill Seddon to be Master for the ensuing year, and then retired for lunch in the Balmoral Suite.

Pictured The Worshipful Master takes wine with Provincial Grand Master watched over by Dave Emmerson and Ken Boon who are Provincial DC & Deputy DC in addition to being Lodge DC & ADC

Article and Pictures by Mike Beesley